Completed at a triumphant moment in anticipation of his first exhibition as a Master Potter, Perrot's vase proclaims his independence and his artistic prowess. Cleverly metaphorical to illustrate the incapability...
Completed at a triumphant moment in anticipation of his first exhibition as a Master Potter, Perrot's vase proclaims his independence and his artistic prowess. Cleverly metaphorical to illustrate the incapability of restraint, the static vase appears totally engulfed by agitated sea water and writhing sea life. All in movement, the serpent-like bodies curve around the vase. The two fish heads flank each side of the vase with dramatically articulated scales and fins. Their spiny definition gives way to looping plantlike algae forms. There is a painterly quality to the glaze Perrot sensitively applies to his sculptural modeling. In variations of celadon green heightened with touches of blue, rust and ochre, Perrot gives a sense of naturalism to the cresting and foaming sea water. And completing his visual effect to evoke the tenebrous depths of the sea, Perrot's dripping glaze becomes darker and more obscure at the murky bottom of his vase.